"Enhance your smile with plump, luscious lips - try our lip fillers today!"

Doctor led cosmetic injections

Kissable lips are just a treatment away with lip fillers

Lips are one of the main areas on our face where people tend to look at a lot, some people have big lips and others have barely anything so this is why you should consider the benefits of lip fillers. 

As some people are unfortunate as to not have much visible lip, aging won’t be an issue to them when it comes to their lips. Aging is one problem that brings a lot of issues to our body that we don’t want but there is nothing we can do about it as it is natural and happens to everyone, however there are things we can do to help us ageand getting lip fillers is one of these. 

When we do age our lips are affected as they will start to look thinner and lose their definition, the main area in which this can be noticed on the lip is the area which is known as ‘Cupids Bow’, for those unsure of this area it is the V shaped area on your top lip, once this shape starts to lose definition and get thinner you know your aging.



When getting lip fillers there are many benefits that it can bring, the first benefits of lip fillers which have already been stated being the short time the procedure takes and the short time of recovery. 

Other benefits that you will gain from lip fillers are:

  • You will have a more defined smile

  • Lip fillers can help turn the corners of the mouth upwards 

  • The treatment will give your lips a more youthful looking appearance

  • Your old thinning lips will appear more fuller

  • Increased confidence

Preparation and Aftercare


  • Avoid blood-thinning medications such as aspirin at least a week before the procedure to reduce the risk of bruising.

  • Do not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes for at least 24 hours before the procedure, as this can increase the risk of complications.

  • Keep your lips clean and moisturized before the procedure.


  • Avoid touching or rubbing your lips for at least 24 hours after the procedure to reduce the risk of infection.

  • Apply ice to the lips to reduce swelling and bruising.

  • Avoid strenuous exercise or activity for at least 24 hours after the procedure.

  • Avoid hot and spicy foods and drinks for at least 24 hours after the procedure, as this can irritate the lips.

  • Do not wear makeup on the lips for at least 24 hours after the procedure.

  • Use a gentle lip balm to keep the lips moisturized.

  • Follow up with your medical professional if you experience any unusual symptoms such as excessive pain, swelling, or bleeding.

Lip Fillers

Additional services provided by Dr Zunaid All MBBCH, BSc Hons MBA and clinic Aesthetics therapist Rabia Malik.


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10% Off per treatment New Clients only | Offers World Class Treatments | FDA Approved Treatments |